The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) makes two major changes in how Medicare will pay physicians and other clinicians. First, it implemented the so-called “Doc Fix.” That is, MACRA ended the flawed and much-maligned Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula for determining Medicare payments and the annual ritual of…
On March 31, 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its long awaited proposed rules for Medicare Accountable Care Organizations. The draft rules, which are 429 pages long, implement Section 3022 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act establishing the Medicare Shared Savings Program. The regulations are…
Physicians were facing daunting challenges before the passage last March of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: declining reimbursement, rising overhead, increasingly burdensome government regulation, and a severe recession. Health care “reform” will likely only exacerbate these pressures. As a result, many physicians are in a state of high…
Applying for a Medicare provider number can be a daunting process. Medicare has very strict rules which, if not followed, can cause the issuance of your number to be delayed or even denied and prevent you from billing and collecting for the services you render to your Medicare patients. To…
With declining reimbursement and increasing overhead and compliance costs, building a successful medical practice is tougher than ever. The last thing physicians need is costly legal problems. In my experience, many of the legal wounds suffered by physicians are self-inflicted. This article discusses areas where physicians regularly get themselves into…
A well-prepared employment agreement ensures that physicians and their groups understand what each expects of the other. Here are 10 key considerations. Learn more about the 10 key considerations at: Better Employment Agreements Southern California Physician, September 2007
A carefully drafted buy-sell agreement is essential for a medical group’s long-term well-being. Here are seven key consideration. Read more at: Better Buy-Sell Agreements Southern California Physician, August 2007