One of the surest routes to a costly fight among the physician owners of a medical group is to not have in place an up-to-date, well-thought-out buy-sell agreement. Learn how to refine your buy-sell agreement: Does Your Buy-Sell Agreement Need a Tune-Up? Medical Group Management Update, October 1, 2000
On September 25, 2000, the Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) of the Department of Health and Human Services issued its final guidelines (“Final Guidelines”) to aid individual physicians and small group practices to design voluntary compliance programs. The Final Guidelines set forth seven components of an effective compliance program. The…
The long-awaited May decision of the California Supreme Court in the case of Potvin v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company represents a great victory for physicians and their patients. Read more about the case here:How I See It: Potvin v. Metropolitan Life Insurance California Physician, Summer 2000
It has been perceived that many of the latest ideas in health care begin in California and move eastward. And, frequently, people in other parts of the country do seek the advice of California physicians, administrators, consultants and attorneys on how to deal with the next great healthcare trend. More…