Jeremy Miller on How to Choose a Strategic Partner

Choosing a strategic partner is obviously a crucial decision for any physician or group. Choose the wrong partner, and the union is likely to fail. Unfortunately, many physicians and groups have only a limited understanding of how to evaluate a potential strategic partner. Physicians should consider the following key points…

Jeremy Miller Discusses What a Strategic Partner is Looking for in You

The merging, affiliating and partnering of medical groups, hospitals and physician practice management companies (PPMCs) is continuing at a rapid pace. Medical groups considering entering into these arrangements should understand what potential strategic partners are looking for in them. This knowledge will help groups realistically evaluate themselves, and decide what…

Jeremy Miller on the Move to Captiation

Even in markets heavily penetrated by managed care, most specialists until recently still have been paid on a fee-for-service basis. Increasingly, however, specialists are being “carved out” or “subcapitated,” where they are paid a flat amount per member per month. Learn about steps you can take to reduce the dangers…

Jeremy Miller and Wayne Miller Discuss Physicians and IPAs Struggle With Deselection

Today’s competitive managed care environment has created much tension between IPAs’ physician managers and their physician members. Many IPAs (independent practice associations), under pressure to maintain quality care while controlling the costs to deliver care, are responding by reducing their membership. IPA physicians naturally feel they are being treated unfairly…

Jeremy Miller on Physician Compensation in a Managed Care and Stark II World

Medical groups need to rethink physician compensation in light of the shift to capitated managed care, and the impact of the new “Stark II” law restricting physician self-referral for ancillary medical services. Learn more about the change at: Physician Compensation In A Managed Care And Stark II World California Physician, September…

Jeremy Miller Discusses Selling Your Practice

California physicians who are considering whether to sell their practices to and join an integrated delivery system (IDS) face complex decisions. IDSs, which are generally hospital sponsored, include management services organizations (MSOs), physician hospital organizations (PHOs), and tax-exempt “foundations.” Read more about an integrated delivery system: Selling Your Practice To An…

Jeremy Miller on Forming a Specialty IPA

Unlike an integrated medical group, IPA participating physicians maintain their separate medical practices, and use the IPA vehicle to pursue managed care contracts that they could not obtain on their own. Learn more about independent practice associations here: Forming A Specialty IPA California Physician, December 1993

Jeremy Miller Reveals What You Need to Know When Forming a Medical Group

Physicians who are considering forming a new medical group or merging two or more existing groups need to understand that the process is complex. To succeed, physicians must handle group formations with great care. A common and costly mistake is to create the group without proper planning and preparation. Read…

Jeremy Miller Writes on Joining a Medical Practice

More women than ever before are entering the practice of medicine. Obviously, women physicians, like their male counterparts, want to get off to a good start. To do so will depend, in part, upon understanding and addressing certain key legal and financial issues. Learn more about joining a Medical Practice…